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Plain Air on the Dnieper (2010-2011)

The Kyiv's Harbor in April (watercolor,8*12", 2011) A view on George Fuks Bridge in Kyiv (21*30 cm, watercolor, 2010) Well known 'Zakharij' (watercolor, 35*40 cm, 2010) A ...

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A February Day

A February Day in the countryside (watercolor, 12*16", 2011) In the Kyiv's University park (watercolor,8*12", 2011). ...

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‘Art Majdan’ Exhibition in Kyiv

During March 28 - April 6, 2014 the Directorate of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine will held an exhibition "Art Majdan". It will take place at the Central House of Artists ...

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Meeting at the square near St. Michael’s Monastery

A February's Meeting at the square near St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv (watercolor, 9.5″•12.5″, 240 g/м2, ...

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Veche at the Maidan in Kiev

Veche at the Maidan in Kiev/Віче на Майдані у Києві (watercolor, 9.5"•12.5″, 240 g/м2, 2013) [private ...

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Barricades on Khreshchatyk Street,Kyiv

Barricade on Khreshchatyk, Kyiv  (February, 2014, watercolor, 9.5*12.5", 240 ...

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Kyiv, January 19, 2014

Kyiv, veche on 19 January 2014 (before the confrontation). ...

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Exhibition ‘Watercolor’ in Kyiv, 21-29 January 2014

21 - 29 January, 2014 at the Gallery Mytets" [Artist] of the Kyiv National Union of Artists of Ukraine (Kyiv), will be opened the exhibition 'Watercolors'. Several artists will take part in ...

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December 11, 2103. Kyiv (collage, PS). SLAVA UKRAINI! From Internet sources: '... As church bells ring tonight amidst the smoke in the streets of Kyiv, the United States stands with the ...