About Arctic… to Survivorman

On February 6, 2010 the Discovery Science (Ukraine Zone) demonstrated a real nice Survivorman videotaping about Les Stroud's adventure in Arctic (Pond Inlet, Baffin Island, Alaska). It was ...

About ArtCafeshka

Next week I presented three of my watercolors at a new web Internet-shop-painting ArtCafeska. Among them are 'Pink Tundra',  'Old, old garden',  and 'The Roger's Bay in October'. Today, I ...

The new song

The new recording is available for download on the page  Песни*Songs i.e. the link to MP3-file of 'The Yok's Song'. This is a story by V. Shentalinskii about  blind singer Yok, who ...

Recent studies of the North from the archive of 70s’

See new watercolor études of the author's archive of 70s' at Paintings page: 'In the Blossom Cape' and 'In the Doubtful (Somnitelnaya) ...

New watercolors

See new watercolors at my 'Paintings' page i.e. 'After snowstorm in Ushakovky in Wrangel Island in 80’s',  'Aerials and hoarfrost in the Blossom Cape (Former) Polar Station, Wrangel ...

New watercolors

See new watercolors at the page 'Paintings' i.e. 'At the Seabirds Cape', 'The mammoth tusk and the stone of balance', 'Aerials and hoarfrost','Muskox', 'In Koluchin ...

On diagnosis and correction by colors and patterns (ru)

See ru ...

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My paintings at YouTube

This November thanks to my friends a sounded presentation of my paintings about Wrangel and Herald island i.e oil, watercolor and gouache was placed at the YouTube ...

Год (острова) Геральда * Herald’s (Island) Year

На странице "Проза" теперь опубликовано - There is new publication at Prose-page: В. Придатко-Долин. Год Геральда. Из ...