V.Prydatko-Dolin’s exhibition: Kyiv, 6-17 May, 2015

Exhibition_6May15_LeafletExhibition of paintings and graphics ‘Sketches for historical memories of Vsevolod Petriv’ Duration: 6-17 May 2015 Opening: May 6, 18:00 Place: The Taras Shevchenko National Museum, Boulevard Shevchenko, 12, Kyiv The exhibition of paintings and graphics ‘Sketches for historical memories of Vsevolod Petriv’ is a rare opportunity to look into Vasyl Prydatko-Dolin’s studio where he created historical reconstructions for the two-part movie ‘The Ukrainian Revolution…’, and which was a cinematographic view on memories of the general-cornet of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in 1917-1921 – Vsevolod Petriv. Typically, the named routine work historical-artists remains behind many movies, and such exhibition ‘Sketches …’ is a good opportunity to see how the crumbs of the past, and a variety of observations were transformed professionally to reconstructions and creative interpretations for the movie purposes… The Time river changes everything around and it is difficult sometime to imagine how, for example, cavalry crossed the Neman on ice at night, or what was the area Nalibokska Pusha, or how were dressed people in Kyiv in 1918’s, or how looked like haidamaks of a regiment named after Kostya Gordienko … In the impressionistic paintings (have been freed by the artist from common classical conventions) the liberation straggle of 1917-1921 years was complemented by views on old Kyiv, neighborhoods and then it moved outside on the capital streets and into a new revolution time of the 20th century, especially Majdan, and in landscapes that inspired and still inspire Ukrainians. The mentioned two revolutions met in space and time, and the past is combining with the new days and alive in it. The artist does everything possible to move through this synthesis and to feel the nearest future outside of the movie, and to display to visitors a positive environment which the heroes were expected so much. Some extracts of conserved parts of the Vsevolod Petriv’s manuscript ‘The Ukrainian revolution times in historical memories…’ (1917-1921) serves in the exhibition as the background for the paintings. More details about the event…

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