‘Art Majdan’ Exhibition in Kyiv

During March 28 – April 6, 2014 the Directorate of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine will held an exhibition “Art Majdan”. It will take place at the Central House of Artists Exhibitions. The event relates to the well known Ukraine Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014. More details about “Art Majdan” (ukr)… Address: Kyiv, str. Sishovyh Striltsiv (Artema), 1-5. Timetable: 12:00 – 19:00 daily (except Tuesday). Useful map etc. The author (Vasyl Prydatko-Dolin) presents four watercolors (of nine) which were selected by the Directorate i.e. “Barricade near the Conservatory”, “Doctors at the Majdan”, “Viche in February (before the onslaught)”, “A protesters’ camp at the St. Michael Plaza”. The watercolors were made in 2014 using ‘dry brush’ technique, paper Lanaquarelle (France), 23 * 31 cm, grane satine, 300 g/m2. More pictures and photos

Barricade near the Conservatory

Barricade near the Conservatory

Viche (before the onslaught)

Veche in Kyiv (before the onslaught)

Doctors at the Majdan

Doctors at the Majdan

A protesters' camp at the St. Michael Plaza

A protesters’ camp at the St. Michael Plaza

Остров памяти (Софийская площадь). Киев. 30 * 40 см. 2014

The memory island at St. Sophia Plaza in Kyiv. 30 * 40 cm. 2014

Other watercolor of the author related to the Majdan’s story:

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